Friday, October 2, 2009

My office Plant! daddy made me two plants for my little office...I must say I am pretty excited about seeing em grow taller and greener!

Daddy tells me that these plants won't die no matter what I did to it! (of course I wouldn't pull out the leaves or pull the roots to make them grow faster...what kind of a horrible gardener do you take me as?) Anyway, conversation with my daddy...

Daddy Lum: Girl, I potted two plants for your office.

PekaLynna: Awww...thank you daddy! But what if I kill it? I don't know how to care for plants! What if I forgot to give them H2o? *insert sad face here*

Daddy Lum: Don't worry babe...these plants are hardy! No matter what you do with it it won't die! And these plants don;t need too much water..whenever you remember, just give them some lah...

PekaLynna: *insert happiness* Yay!

But sadly...It didn't last very long...just a couple of months...MY PLANTS DIED!! Well...initially I refused to believe it was dying becasue it was still standing...and there was a couple of leaves on the weee little branch...but I was carful not to touch em...otherwise the weee little leaves will fall off... O_o" And I started tying some green strings to elevate their confidence in growing again...And I continued my singing to them every morning and ocassionally when I am bored...And I watered them consistentaly...And I actually took em out to bask in the beautiful sun! And And..I bought them another play mate...a live plant to keep them company!

After all THAT!!??!! It died!


The irony of it all! Me trying with heart and soul to save these plants and I think by doing so, it speed up the process of its death!

Sigh!! What do I have to do to keep my plants alive?? ..paint my tumb green I suppose...