Five long years! It took me Five Long Years to complete my undergraduate course in Accounting and Economics.
Looking back on my journey, I do feel a sense of accomplishment! Though this success was met by many challenges foreseen and unforeseen, failures and victories, learnings and improvements, I do not regret choosing the path I have thread. In fact, the amount of time, money, effort, tears, Prayers, food and cruses spent during this time I should be happy that all the studying is over! But I must admit I already miss student life!
Things that I miss the MOST:
Studying at the library with friends - though our intentions were centered on studying, the company of good friends ends up tearing our concentration away from the books to (at that time) Friendster and blogging or simply chatting away as though we had significant topics to talk about.
Studying at home till the weeee hours of the morning - I love studying by myself in the comfort of my own personal space. With books and notes scattered all over the floor (an arranged mess) it gives me a sense of motivation and determination as that atmosphere is condusive for studying.
Writing notes - OMG! I love writting notes! I'm a feak when it comes to notes writting! I'll have different colored pens and tabs to indicate which part is important, very important and will come out for Finals. And OH don't get me started with highlighters!
Cafe for breakie and chit chat-! I only look forward to morning classes becasue I will get my wonderful freshly brewed cup of coffee from the Union cafe! And after classes/ lectures my friends and I will hang at the cafe to start our chit chat session before going to the library to chat some more.
Uni Toilets - Its very interesting to sit in the girls toilet becasue of the grafitti on the walls. I do not condone vandalism nor do I understand why people tend to be exteremly open about their feelings in the cubical...I however do find it interesting to read such things. This may be associated with me tendency to read in the loo.
Cute lecturers! - need I say more? >.<
Things I will NOT miss:
Not earning an income.
Racist people.
Group Assignments.
Last note before I end...
1 comment:
So happy for you! Congrats on being a graduate! I know the feeling rocks! LOL! You earned it!
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