Thursday, December 11, 2008

2+3 = 23

I just turned 23 years young recently. Despite much persuasion from my family that I should celebrate "the day" with a nice night out with friends, go shopping, get a facial other words, pamper myself. I did not quite like the idea because of this concept of "the self".

Do you not feel that by celebrating birthdays is sign of Self-glorification, a means of boasting our ego?

Human society at present exerts a pernicious influence upon the soul of man. Instead of allowing us to live a life of service and sacrifice, it is highly competitive and teaches us to pride ourselves on our accomplishments. From early childhood we are trained to develop our ego and to seek to exalt ourselves above others, in the ultimate aim of achieving, self-importance, success and power.

Without a doubt, I do have traces of ego within me. I do have happy feelings when my efforts are praised, I do feel special when someone says I look pretty, I do think of myself when it comes to money issues, I do have attachments to material things...I am after all, an imperfect being. But that does not mean I should just allow my ego to feed of my imperfections...

Hence, what I propose to do (which is one of my New Years Resolution) is to tame that beast (the self/ ego). My first step of action will be to donate or do charitable deeds for the community in times of celebrations (birthdays, anniversaries...etc).


mimpiiii said...

wow Pekie!
i never thought of it that way...its so true... now i understadn why some ppl dont bother celebrating b'days!

neways did u get me postcard? hope u had a blessed bwufday girl :)


peka-lynna said...

Heya Roya!! YES I did receive it! Love the cicak! Thanks heaps!
*.* Muakz!! I miss you so much la!

JenPB said...

This is a great idea, though I think COUPLING something you do for someone else and a treat for yourself is certainly ok on your birthday. It is, afterall, a celebration of life. And we need as many celebrations as we can get!

We're trying to instill an appreciation of charitable deeds in our kids. This year, we're keeping track of our deeds daily - in hopes of committing at least 365 acts of random charity throughout the year. So far, so good! :)