Saturday, May 9, 2009

I am a banana

23 years and 5 months ago, I was born into a Chinese Family called Lum. My lineage can be traced back to the mother land - China... My family has all the traits of a typical Chinese family... All the normality of conservatism, hierarchical family, traditions respected and followed conscientiously ... and even though My parents enrolled me into a Chinese Primary School... I still failed to equip myself with the very language my ancestors spoke! tsk tsk tsk...

I feel like someone is laughing at my attempts to re-learn mandarin.


Sab said...

Let's form a "banana anonymous"

mimpiiii said...

hey pekie wakie,
i copied pasted sth u posted awhile back bout ego n bdays on me blog..
hope u dont mind yeah!

Sab said...

Hahaha! I copied and pasted from what Roya copied and pasted from you(without knowing it's yours)...OMG! What a circle...just shows that you are a provocative writer

peka-lynna said...

Hahah...awesome! Thats the way to share the love! ;)