Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lalala..I wanna go HOME (again)(2)

Week Two:
This weekend I joined a group of friends who organized a Childrens Day celebration in Puchong.
We started off the day with some warming up activities, which Roya executed perfectly!
Instead of doing the normal boring warm up, she came up with some awesome actions which include "star jump", "the makarena", "leg high-5" (weird position to imagine isn't it?)..etc etc (as I won't expose her trait secrets) the adults loved it and needless to say the kids loved it more!

Then as how Malaysian weather goes, it started to RAIN! Yes! RAIN! We had to quickly move all the tables and chairs, food and stuff away and stood under a tree for shelter and some even took shelter in their car (haih, this one I dunno what to say...not Malaysian lah!)
Aaahhhh the good old days when we would play under the up and down the streets playing cat and mouse, playing hide and seek in the drains outside our house...or just simply enjoying the cool wetness on our faces and toes. We would return home all drenched and dirty and receive a nice scolding from our parents...but that never dampen our spirits!
Similarly, the rain did not dampen our spirits that day, we waited patiently and sardin-ed ourselves under that tree and prayed for the rain to stop...and within 10 minutes it did! YAY!

We then continued the Children's day program with a games like "three-legged race", "ball in basket", "burst the balloon"...etc etc...This event was organized as a means to bring all the children and parents in one place to celebrate the kids achievements for the year. At the end of the day, everyone went home with a small gift. It was real fun! Heck even I enjoyed it! ;)

During the week, I spent time with my best-est best friend and recently (actually it was 2.5 years ago) appointed "chi mui" at Bukit Tinggi. It was an awesome get away for the three of us as we went on horse back riding till our butts hurt (I was in agony for the whole week, walking like how the cow boys do!), we played some bowling which we were horrible at, we tried our luck with archery but failed humorously...

...and at the end of all that awesomeness, we indulged ourselves with TWO GIANT pizzas!

Excellent!! :D

1 comment:

mimpiiii said...

haha..thank god nobody sprained their feet during warm up!

u gotta come back more often lah Pekieeee!!